
Correcting business conditions:  Within months after taking over a leadership role as regional director and general manager of a multi-national company (MNC) in South Korea, I systematically uncovered, dismantled and corrected unacceptable business practices. I then, after careful evaluation of the market and prevailing economics, aligned sales teams with vertical industries and selectively targeted strategic accounts within each to achieve the best possible and sustainable business results.  Resulting sales grew from $4M at that time to more than $120M. 

Redirecting business and rules of engagement:  I replaced top management and set the stage for country-wide limited distribution in New Zealand for a MNC.  Revenues increased >20% during each of the first three years (due to a dramatic decrease in SG&A margins also improved).   

Realignment of business conduct in Japan:  Replaced top management in a MNC, improved “Cost-to-Sell” ratio by 8.5 percentage points through business plan development and subsequent organizational adjustments and realignment of sales teams by industry and with sales specialists. 

Correcting direction and keeping customers: Dispatched to correct five major and very costly projects in Ireland (2), Denmark, Sweden and Germany that had gone awry.  Brought all under control within eight months with no further losses and customers were satisfied and maintained.

As general manager of a $35M hi-tech manufacturing operation with facilities in Canada, France and Singapore, dramatically improved all business performance metrics within a year.  

Also, within one month, and leveraging my business network, implemented distribution across all of Australia, New Zealand, Southeast Asia, eight locations in China and set up similar actions to occur across all of India.

While redirecting the company’s pricing methodology in my most recent marketing leadership role, my team converted from a cost-up system to one of value pricing. A YOY profit increase was realized in the first six months while revenues declined in a sagging market.

There are several things unique about me that you might find of value. For example: 

- I have served very successfully by either meeting or exceeding all expectations in senior roles in sales, marketing and manufacturing and in interim roles as country manager, general manager, regional director, and regional president. 

- I developed and coordinated a program to assist more than sixty US companies (mostly OEMs and System Integrators) achieve business success in Asia – particularly China.

- As Director and General Manager, provided P&L leadership for two high-growth multi-million dollar businesses, and in both cases successfully achieved business transparency while reducing SG&A and increasing revenue and profitability.  

- Early in my career I led process engineering at four U.S. Steel plants and served there in senior maintenance leadership positions.

- I am a four-year veteran of the U.S. Air Force, serving three of those years in Asia and the Pacific region ensuring maximum up-time of sophisticated communications systems.